Our Policies
It is understood by registering that you have read and understood all of our policies.
Drop off (8:30am) and pick up (12:30pm) will be at each activity site. One of our staff members will have you sign in/out each day. We ask everyone to be patient while checking in your child. Once your child is checked in, we would like the parents to say goodbye and they can walk over and join the group. When you arrive to pick up your child up, staff will direct your child to walk over to you.
If there is server weather, we may be forced to cancel or end the day early. If a full day is canceled, we will attempt to have a makeup day on the weekend. If the weather does not allow for the makeup day, unfortunately there will be no refund for the days cancelled.
Campers can register for the mid-week option if the camp session has spaces available. The earliest Martha's Vineyard Adventure Camp will consider campers for the mid-week option is a week prior to the start date of each camp session. There is a minimum requirement of three days.
If you decide to cancel prior to June 1, 2025, it will result in a $50 cancellation fee per person per session and the remainder will be refunded to you. There is no refund for cancellations made after June 1, 2025.
Camp session transfers are allowed up to two weeks prior to the start of your camp session. The earlier you transfer, the better chance you have of switching sessions due to high demand. There is a $25 transfer fee.
We do not give any refund for early withdrawal, late arrivals, missed days, illness, accidents, or dismissal.
All campers must be able to ride a bike without training wheels on pavement and on dirt. If your child cannot, they must skip biking day and there will be no partial refund for the day missed.
Safety is our number one priority at Martha's Vineyard Adventure Camp. It is important that campers wear helmets, life vests, seat belts, and all other safety equipment as advised by the staff. Violence, of any sort; disorderly conduct towards staff or campers, the use of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco products will not be permitted and will result in immediate dismissal from camp.
Our staff follows the camp itinerary but occasionally there is unpredictable weather, group dynamics or situations that we have to revise our itineraries. We may change site locations if necessary as well as provide appropriate alternative activities in such cases.
Martha's Vineyard Adventure Camp provides all the necessary equipment. See the "What to Bring" list for things your child should come to camp with.
Martha's Vineyard Adventure Camp does not provide any food. Please pack your child with a NUT FREE snack. Please bring a water bottle to camp each day and we will continue to refill it throughout the day.
After enrolling in Martha's Vineyard Adventure Camp, the parent/guardian authorizes Martha's Vineyard Adventure Camp the use of photos and/or quotes from camp for marketing purposes.
The parent/guardian is responsible for any medical expenses related to a camper’s illness, accident, or removal from camp. Martha's Vineyard Adventure Camp is not liable for theft, loss or damage to personal property.
Martha's Vineyard Adventure Camp reserves the right to cancel a camp session at any time. While this is unlikely to happen, in the event it does, tuition will be refunded in full. If it happens in the middle of a camp session, Martha's Vineyard Adventure Camp will try to make up the canceled day over the weekend. If the weather does not allow for a make up day, unfortunately their will be no refund for canceled days due to weather.
We designed our camp to allow the campers to experience the natural environment without cell phones or any other electronics such as iPads, or any other valuable items. They can be lost or damaged due to the nature of our camp. Please refrain from allowing your children to bring these items to camp. Martha's Vineyard Adventure Camp is not responsible for any lost or damaged electronic devices. We highly recommend NOT sending your camper to camp with any electronics.
Please do not send your child to camp with a contagious or infectious disease. If it occurs while camp is in session we will take all the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of infectious or contagious diseases.